When I meet someone and feel a connection, I immediately open up to them about my life & my past.
I can't do that.
I don't know them. Who they are. Where they've been.
I can't trust too easily.
My past is a part of me, deep inside. It should be hidden, something that takes awhile to open up, like a turtle hatching from it's shell.
I need to guard that part of me. I'm not proud of it, so why do I act like I am?
When that question comes up, I don't have to explain my answer to them. I don't have to explain why I stopped being the person I was over summer. I don't have to justify it.
All I have to say is one word: No.
It's a yes or no answer. I don't need it to be a story, don't need for them to ask why I stopped engaging in that kind of thing.
That's my life. That's a part of me. A part of my past, that can be hidden. I own it. No one needs to know. That's why it's called the PAST.
Everyone doesn't need to know. I have nothing to prove to them.
My open book is now closing.
My turtle is not hatching out of its shell.
It will take time for it to hatch again. It needs to take time.

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