But three years ago, my world completely changed. It went from the hustle and bustle of the city, palm trees, street lights, sidewalks, and beaches to cows, countryside, highways, green grass, and actual seasons. I hated it. But, as one says, you never appreciate things until their gone. After being back down here for a few months, there's a piece of me still existing in Auburn. I think what attracts me to that small town is the slower pace of things. It is just plain relaxing. My parents always talked about it, but I didn't understand. I do now, though. It's just...slow. People take more time with things, with each other. You find joy in the simplest things, from the first leaves changing color, to the beginning of ice on our driveways, to the unforgettable heat. Don't get me wrong, I love Southern California, and probably will always live in Orange County. But, I would love to just visit. Just for a few days. Just to get away. While I'm down here, people are always onto the next thing. They always have to be doing something, or going somewhere. I won't lie, I'm like that too. But when I think about my life in Auburn, I remember, because there WAS nothing to do, me and my best friend would find the best nights to be sitting on her couch, laughing, eating, talking. We had the funnest nights sitting in our cars in front of Chevron, just people watching (or stalking...shhh). When we would get bored we would go swing at my park, or walk by the lake. Things were so different, but I like that. Sometimes I wish I could just run away to there, and simply enjoy the tiny little town. It's pretty up there, ya know. I never appreciated it when I was there, and was counting down the days till I moved back "home". But I wish I didn't take it so for granted. Because now, I actually miss it. I never thought I would say those words, but as I sit here thinking about it, with tears in my eyes, I really miss it. Homesick wouldn't be the right word, but I know it's something like it. Auburn is a weird place, and I know some of the reason I feel like its part of me is the people I left there. My best friend Molly, her cousin Heidi, her boyfriend Cole, Goddessi (although some are off forming their own adventures), my Pre-K sunday school kiddies, and many, many more. I know exactly why I spent three wonderful years in that country town, and if I had to do it all over again, I would. On a positive note, all you Auburnites out there, I'll be there before you know it, watch out :) I'm coming to town!

Sunset at my park.

This was an exciting evening. (Buddah???)

My Park <3

Snow 2010!


Big sister Heidi!!!

Summer 2010. Oh Molly.

Photography shoot.

Junior year...dance parties on The Combie Bridge.

Party in the USA.
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