Patience is one of my hardest quality. Learning to give my life to God and put everything into his hands is so difficult. Lately, I've began to realize I have to complete trust in God's timing in every aspect of my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm completely content on where I am, and who I am in my life right now. But sometimes I feel like somethings missing. I know God has that something or someone for me, and its already planned on when that will occur, its just so hard waiting for it and not being distracted by others. Distractions are everywhere, and their numerous. It's so easy to fall into their trap, especially when it has happened so many times before. I am learning to stand my ground, and not put myself in situations when their is opportunities too tempting to deny. But it is so difficult. I have to be patient. I have to let God handle this part of my life. And I will. I can do it.

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