Not to be a depressing romantic or anything, but really, people?
I am very bitter.
This whole "love" thing.
I watched Love Actually yesterday. I really need to stop watching movies about love.
I usually don't feel this way. I don't mind being single. I can handle it. But after awhile, it gets boring.
Like I said before, I'm tired of it. I'm so tired of it.
In that movie, everyone fell in love. Why does everyone always fall in love?
My best friend's mom said to me this morning, "love will find you."
Really? Find me then. Please find me.
Sometimes I picture it has already. Just a process, a progression.
But is it just a dream? I hope not.
There's that word: hope.
During work today, I was organizing the ring case, and 1 Corinthians 13:13 was printed on one of the rings.
"And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love."
Oh thanks. Cool.
Love is like haunting me. On my way home from Orange today the license plate of the car in front of me said "Happiness is having a Valentine to love."
Oh thanks. Cool.
Valentines Day ---> unmentionable?
Anyways, this whole love/hope/dream thing. It's annoying.
But I was also thinking about something else while I was watching Love Actually. When the movie starts, it says on the screen "Love actually is all around."
And in reality, it so is.
Last night three of my close friends and I had an amazing time together.
Just us. We went to a karaoke bar and rocked out. Yes, completely sober, and boyfriend-less. Which doesn't mean we didn't get hit on by every guy at the bar, because we did. But it was pure innocent fun. I had SO much fun with them.
And I love them. We throw that word around like its meaningless. I do it all the time. But it's because, love actually is all around us. And it doesn't have to be in opposite sex form. The friendship type of love is also. And I have that type of love abundantly in my life.
But the other type of love is missing. I know it's because I want it so bad. But I'm not really looking anymore.
I'm just tired of it being a dream.
Actually, love, you can come find me now.

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