I've been thinking about it for quite some time now, the reflection of my words and summary of the year 2010.
I literally am speechless.
This year was a whirlwind. My entire life changed, in so many different ways, some that I can't talk about publicly.
Let's just break it down for a little.
I brought in the new year with one of my best friends, Molly, celebrating with Martinelli's and grammy's house.
I believe I was single at the time. That changed through the course of the Winter, obviously.
I finished off my high school years with many fun memories and lifelong friends.
Then, I graduated. And it hit.
The feeling of freedom, the feeling of being able to go out into the world, the feeling of happiness, the feeling of all self-control being taken from my hands, the feeling of doing exactly what I want to do and not letting anyone else stop me.
And I did just that.
It's safe to say I lost part of me this summer, and I might never get it back.
I left Auburn, with a bang, and moved back down to my true home.
I then celebrated this in so many different ways with my other best friend Alysha. Boy, did we learn alot? Eh.
And then, it was time for College.
A fresh start, a new life.
I was ready for it. I felt it.
Okay, so maybe too soon.
This whole "change" thing. Everyone always forces it onto you. Change this, change that. You shouldn't be doing that, you should want to be doing this. Well maybe it's not that easy for some people. Maybe it's not that easy to form back into who you once were. Maybe it's just easier to live like you are. I'm not saying be stupid. I'm just saying maybe I'm in love with my Crazy Beautiful Life, as Ke$ha puts it. Yeah, there are things that I can change. But I'll do it on my own pace.
Anyways, college. It's also safe to say I made my mistakes. I was a "dumb human", as Kellie Muller and I put it. But it happens. People make mistakes.
There are a few things I learned about myself this year, and a few things I learned in general.
1. I realized that whole "Live and Learn" statement people throw around, yeah well ya know what? I realized it's really hard for me to learn. I usually just live. I rarely learn. I've made the same mistakes too many times. I'm slowly learning though. Well, starting to at least.
2. I learned to take baby steps. I learned that this whole "change" thing, it doesn't happen with a snap of a finger. If you go about like that, you will let your guard down and fall right back where you just where. It's going to be a process, a progression of change. But it's my life and I know what will work best for me in this aspect. Which are baby steps.
3. I learned that people are going to judge you. People are going to talk. But that's just life. And those are the kinds of people I don't need in mine.
4. The biggest thing I learned this year is: LIFE GOES ON. No matter who stabs you in the back, who you break up with, who you date, who you love, who you hate, what you do, no matter what. Life will continue. And you just gotta learn to pick up the pieces and keep living. It's not going to stop for you.
Overall, I am completely speechless about this past year. It was definitely very unpredictable and insane. But I have always been "wild at heart" as they say. As for a New Year's Resolution goes, I'm going to keep that to myself. I don't know what 2011 will bring. But I hope and pray it will just bring happiness. It will bring friendship. It will bring love. Love in many different forms. I'm hoping love will come. But an even bigger love. The love that only one man can give, and that's God's love. I hope to see it more, to recognize it more. Because honestly, it's hard at times.
2010 is officially in the past. Can't be changed or moved. It's all over. It's over.
I could not be more thankful.
Cheers to 2011. Bring it.
And here's a few of my favorite memories of 2010:

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