Pass finals. Go home. Work. See Alysha. See my cousins. Have a merry Christmas. Have a happy new year. GO TO AUBURN!!!!!! Go back to Azusa :/ Go to school. FIgure out if I'm going to stay here. Realize I probably won't. Still go to school. Get a job in Azusa. Or don't, cause where the hell do you get a job in Azusa? Realize how long I can last here. Go on Spring Break. Do finals. Finish my freshman year of college alive. GO SEE KE$HA IN CONCERT THAT DAY. Go home. Work. Summer. Summer school? Go to Africa? Go to Auburn. Still work. Do summer school. Register for classes?
Literally. I don't even know where to stop. Or start. Or finish. Or begin. Or end.
My mind just keeps going in endless circles.
I don't have any answers anymore. To anything.
I have no idea what is going to happen. With anything.
There are a million things to think about right now and I can't even handle it.
One and a half weeks.
Then maybe I can think.
I don't even know.
I don't even know like anything.
Like I don't even know.
And now I've repeated myself like three times.
Because I really don't know anymore.
I need direction. And I know who I need direction from.
But where is He? Where am I?

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