I loved being gone all weekend with old friends.
We've been here for a little over two months now, and true colors are starting to show.
You start to realize who you can laugh with, who you can be fun with, who you can be serious with, who you can cry with, but most importantly, who you can trust your life with.
I have finally realized this. I'll keep it to myself, but I just know which people are my true friends.
And there not numerous, let me tell you.
But I'd rather have a true friend than many acquaintances.
Moral of the story, I am just kinda over it.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Anyways, I love my sister Alysha, and I see my best friend Molly in 1 month and 22 days.
And I love how Courtney and I are sitting on my bed avoiding our homework. Typical Sunday night. Please let the week go by fast. What a weekend. (I say that after every weekend.)
Ah, life. So unpredictable.

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