And I really really really didn't like it.
There were too many stressful things going on.
And I couldn't stop thinking about them.
I had a bazillion hours of homework, housing situations, spring break plans, job for summer was just so much.
Through the midst of it all, I was emotionally exhausted.
During one of the tearful phone conversations I had with my mom slash best friend this week, she asked me numerous times, "Chelsea, where is your faith?"
This question is still embedded in my memory, because everything ended up working out.
I was so overwhelmed with the negativity and all the things that were going on that I forgot about God for a minute. I was being stubborn and forgot to trust Him, rely on Him, because through Him, it will all work out. Instead, I had negative thoughts.
But you see, everything did work out.
My 5 page paper I left till the night before got turned in on time.
Housing got figured out, and me and my two best friends have our very own "Bowle".
Plans for spring break/summer are working out.
It all worked out.
The thing is, we can't get wrapped up in everything that is going wrong with certain situations. Sometimes, even when it seems like everything is falling apart and nothing is working out the way we want it to, those are the times God is testing our faith, and saying Hello, I'm here for you! And I will help you! And that is the faith we need. The faith for God, the faith that everything will actually work out, like it always does. During turmoil, we are supposed to turn to Him.
I'm glad I was reminded of this during this insane week, and I definitely have my lesson learned.
And thank you, God, for letting everything work out, even though I didn't pay most attention to you as I should have.
And thank you this week is finally over.
You're great, and I love you.

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