People expect to much.
Too much of each other, too much of a certain situation.
We always let expectations get the best of us.
I know I do.
I always expect something to happen, and then it doesn't.
But when is it expectations, and when is it reality?
Where is the line between the two?
It's hard to decide the line when something seems so right.
I watched 500 Days of Summer recently.
I was reminded how much I loved that movie.
It's so true though.
Tom thought Summer was it, was the girl meant for him.
But she saw him in a completely different way.
His expectations got the best of him, and in reality, she was just having fun.
But how was he supposed to know if it was real or not?
How was he supposed to recognize the reality of the situation?
DId he miss the signs? Were there signs?
Are there signs? Am I missing the signs?
How am I supposed to know the difference between the reality of the situation rather than what I'm expecting?
I don't want to believe it's true, because it's too good to be true.
But maybe it is.
Maybe this is true, real. Maybe this is reality.
But how can I tell?
I'm scared.
I always over think the situation.
Well, this time, I'm giving it to God.
I drop it in your hands, Lord.
Here it is. All yours.
But in case you didn't know yet, Lord, I really hope that this time, my expectations are the same as reality.

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